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  • 璧山县-齐鲁青未了•庆祝中国共产主义青年团成立100周年山东省青年书法篆刻作品展开展


2023-10-31 11:46:58 来源:美术网 作者:美术网友投稿 阅读量:5612






In order to warmly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, warmly eulogize the glorious course of the Communist Youth League in the past 100 years, fully display the youth passion of the majority of Shandong youth in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and inspire and guide contemporary Shandong youth to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, on April 26, Qilu qingweilai • celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, Shandong Youth Calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition was held in Shandong Provincial Culture Museum. The exhibition focuses on 125 works of calligraphy and seal cutting, including 29 award-winning works. Since the release of the solicitation notice, the majority of young calligraphers have closely focused on the Centennial theme of the Communist Youth League, condensed their unlimited love for the party and the Communist Youth League, their sincere praise for the achievements of reform and opening up and their deep praise for the Yellow River culture, and devoted themselves to their works with pride. The exhibition received a total of 2072 works submitted by young masters with profound artistic skills, young talents and college students who have emerged in recent years. The exhibition fully shows the spiritual state and forward attitude of young calligraphers in Shandong who live up to the times and youth, and write the chapter of struggle in the new era with youth. It is a collective gift of young calligraphers in Shandong to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The exhibition is hosted by the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Shandong Federation of literary and art circles, Shandong Provincial Department of culture and tourism and Shandong Youth Federation, and undertaken by Shandong Calligraphy Association, Shandong Cultural Museum and Shandong Youth Calligraphy Association. The exhibition will last until May 6.

更多排行: 头条中国共产主义青年团


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